World of Tanks Update 1.0.1: Italian Tanks and Redesigned Province

World of Tanks Update 1.0.1: Italian Tanks and Redesigned Province

World of Tanks Update 1.0.1: Italian Tanks and Redesigned Province

A few days ago World of Tanks received a major update, which introduced an entire new line of Italian tanks as well as brought back the redesigned version of the Italian map Province.

The most significant feature of Update 1.0.1 is naturally the brand-new line of Italian tanks. Among 10 tiers there are as many as 11 new light and medium tanks. The high-level tanks (tiers VIII-X) have a new mechanic – autoreloading, when shells are loaded into the magazine sequentially, one by one, allowing you to fire as soon the shell is loaded. Below is the complete list of new vehicles.

Italian Tanks:

  • (Tier I light tank) Fiat 3000
  • (Tier II light tank) L6/40 and M14/41
  • (Tier II medium tank) M14/41
  • (Tier III medium tank) M15/42
  • (Tier IV medium tank) P26/40
  • (Tier V medium tank) P.43
  • (Tier VI medium tank) P.43 bis
  • (Tier VII medium tank) P.43 ter
  • (Tier VIII medium tank) P.44 Pantera
  • (Tier IX medium tank) Prototipo Standard B
  • (Tier X medium tank) Progetto M40 mod. 65

Among other changes are redesigned Italian map Province, new event Road to Glory, as well as various bug fixes and quality of live improvements. To learn more about the update, head over to the official patch notes.